Guest: Greg Gilbert, author, Who Is Jesus?
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Every year around Easter, a television program or magazine will advertise a headline that goes something like this: “Who Is The Real Jesus?” “Scholars” will be interviewed who wax on about their own “research” and “new discoveries” about Jesus, all the while leaving the viewer/reader with more questions than answers by the end.
And that’s exactly their point—that Jesus is a mysterious character and that we really can’t be definitive about who He is.
Well, it’s a good thing we have the Bible, God’s inspired and inerrant Word, which tell us everything God wanted us to know about His Son, Jesus the Christ. And it’s a lot.
This weekend on The Christian Worldview, we are going to do our own “Who Is Jesus?” show with Greg Gilbert, pastor of Third Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville, KY and the author of an excellent new book, “Who Is Jesus?” We hope you can tune and focus on the One we remember, worship, and celebrate this Easter weekend.