Past Programs
27: How to Biblically View and Care for our Physical Bodies? Guest: Haley Erickson
20: Speakers Series Event Q and A with Alex Newman
13: Being a Man of the Word (Not the World) Guest: Brad Klassen
06: Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family, and Freedom Guest: Alex Newman
30: Easter Weekend Special: Christ the Redeemer, Christ the Victor
23: Three Christian Responses to Neo-Pagan Western Civilization Guest: Andrew DeBartolo.
16: The Supernatural Power of Biblical Preaching – Shepherds Conference 2024 Recap
09: Biblical Clarity on the Holy Spirit [rebroadcast of 10/7/23 program] Guest: Costi Hinn
02: Why the Cessationism vs Continuationism Debate is Really About the Authority of Scripture Guest: Scott Aniol
24: How “He Gets Us” Doesn’t Get Jesus and the Gospel Guest: Tom Buck
17: The Push for Global Governance Guest: Alex Newman
10: Raising Spiritual Champions Guest: George Barna
03: Alistair Begg Responds to Furor Over His Counsel to Attend “Trans Wedding” Guest: Justin Peters.
27: Should a Christian Attend a Homosexual or Transgender “Wedding” Ceremony? Guest: Justin Peters.
20: Discerning Medical Technology and the Sanctity of Life Guest: Colleen Tronson
13: Empty Deceptions Vying for Post-Christian Minds Guest: Darrell Harrison
06: Being an Overcomer in a Foreboding New Year Guest: Grant Castleberry
30: Is Christian Nationalism the Solution to America’s Societal Decline? (rebroadcast of 07/01/23) Guest: Scott Aniol.
23: The Christ of Christmas (rebroadcast of 12/24/22 program)
16: Disciplining Yourself for the Purpose of Godliness Guest: Abner Chou
09: Do You Have A “One Day Nearer” Mindset? – Part 2 Guest: Steve Miller
02: Do You Have A “One Day Nearer” Mindset? – Part 1 Guest: Steve Miller
25: Thanksgiving Special – The Pilgrims’ Beliefs and the Founding of America Guest: Jerry Newcombe rebroadcast of 11/27/21.
18: Winning the Toxic War on Men Guest: Owen Strachan
11: Some Bless, Most Curse—Why the Widely Divergent Stance toward Israel? Guest: Chris Katulka
04: Perspective on the Decline—Or Is It the Rise?—of the American Empire. Part 2 Guests: Alex Newman and Chris Katulka
28: Perspective on the Decline—Or Is It the Rise?—of the American Empire. Part 1 Guest: Alex Newman
21: The Reformation, Eschatology, and Israel Guest: Mike Gendron.
14: How the War in Israel Could Reshape the World Order Guest: Soeren Kern
07: Biblical Clarity on the Holy Spirit Guest: Costi Hinn
30: The “Theology of Glory” versus the “Theology of the Cross”?
23: Is “The Chosen” a Good Choice? (rebroadcast of 5/27/2023)
16: Truth, Justice, and the American Way? Guest: Alexander Hamilton, III
09: Here’s the Church, Here’s the Steeple, Open the Door and See…What Kind of People?
02: When Government Intrudes Into the Sphere of the Church Guests: Twila Brase and Jesse Johnson
26: Spiritual Warfare Requires Spiritual Armor – Part 2 Guest: Matt Morrell
19: Spiritual Warfare Requires Spiritual Armor – Part 1 Guest: Matt Morrell
12: How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the World…and the Church Guest: James Spencer
05: The Essential Church Versus Malevolent Government Guest: Travis Allen
29: How the Empty Deception of Climate Change Entices the Christian Mind Guest: Darrell Harrison
22: Journalist Cal Thomas on 50 Years Reporting on America Guest: Cal Thomas
15: Survey Says: The Church Better Repent and Revive…and Soon Guest: George Barna (rebroadcast of 5/12/22 program)
08: Christian Liberty Upheld by Supreme Court While Islam Rises and Rages in France Guests: Abraham Hamilton III | Soeren Kern
01: Is Christian Nationalism the Solution to America’s Societal Decline? Guest: Scott Aniol
24: The Dangerous Affirmation of “Gay Christianity” – Part 2 Guest: M.D. Perkins
17: Father’s Day Special: Remembering Dad Guests: Mom, Sister Marnie, and Brothers Mark and John
10: The Dangerous Affirmation of “Gay Christianity” – Part 1 Guest: M.D. Perkins
03: Rick Warren, Female Pastors, and the Textbook Path to Heresy Guest: Mike Stone
27: Is “The Chosen” a Good Choice?
20: Being Informed and Prepared for the Great Reset
13: The Pentecostalization of Christian Worship – Part 3 Guest: David du Bruyn
06: The Pentecostalization of Christian Worship – Part 2 Guest: David du Bruyn
29: The Pentecostalization of Christian Worship – Part 1 Guest: David du Bruyn
22: The Female Pastor Battering Ram Making a Run at the Church Door…Again Guest: Tom Ascol
15: Improving Your Evangelism Guest: Ray Comfort
08: Easter Special: The Prophesied, Redeeming, Risen Christ
01: How God Uses Man’s Schemes to Accomplish His Plans – Part 2 Guest: Alex Newman
25: How God Uses Man’s Schemes to Accomplish His Plans – Part 1 Guest: Alex Newman
18: How Julie Roys’ Attempted Takedown of John MacArthur is a Battle in a Larger War – Part 2 Guest: Travis Allen.
11: How Julie Roys’ Attempted Takedown of John MacArthur is a Battle in a Larger War
04: REVIVAL: Biblically, Historically, and Asbury – Part 2 Guest: Jeremy Walker
25: REVIVAL:Biblically, Historically, and Asbury – Part 1 Guest: Jeremy Walker
18: How To Be Sure of Eternity in Heaven
11: God’s Call for Men Guest: Travis Allen – rebroadcast from 08/27/22
04: What Really Happens When You’re Born Again? Guest: Steven Lawson – rebroadcast from 08/20/22
28: How the Abortion Movement Has Become More Radical Post-Roe v. Wade Guest: Colleen Tronson
21: Is the Covid “Vaccine” Causing Sudden Deaths? Guest: Peter McCullough, MD MPH
14: How Christians Should Respond to the Depravity Revolution – Part 2 Guest: Andrew DeBartolo
07: How Christians Should Respond to the Depravity Revolution – Part 1 Guest: Andrew DeBartolo
31: Read Through the Bible This Year and Properly Interpret It Guest: Paul Twiss (rebroadcast from 1/8/22)
24: The Christ of Christmas
17: How The Christ Of Christmas Is For Me and For You Guest: Mike Gendron
10: Principles for Selecting Christian Music – Part 2 Guest: Chris Anderson
03: Principles for Selecting Christian Music – Part 1 Guest: Chris Anderson
26: Thanksgiving Special – The Pilgrims’ Beliefs and the Founding of America – rebroadcast of 11/27/22
19: Are You Ready to be Persecuted for the Sake of Righteousness? Guest: Cal Beisner
12: Mid-Term Election Follow Up: How a Red Wave Turned Into a Red Ripple? Guest: Robert Knight
05: Mid-Term Election Special—Will Americans Vote Against Wickedness? Guests: Mat Staver and Andrew DeBartolo
29: What Present-Day Christians Need to Learn and Apply from the Puritans, Part 2 Guest: Joel Beeke
22: What Present-Day Christians Need to Learn and Apply from the Puritans, Part 1 Guest: Joel Beeke
15: What Current Events Are Stepping Stones to the Return of Christ Guest: Soeren Kern
08: Evaluating the “He Gets Us” Campaign for “Brand Jesus”
01: The State of Theology in America Guest: Stephen Nichols
24: Billy Graham and Where Evangelicalism is Today
17: Considering the Life and Death of Queen Elizabeth II Guest: Paul Twiss
10: Fascist Playbook Rule No. 1 – Accuse the Opposition Of What You’re Doing Guests: General Michael Flynn and Robert Knight
03: The Need for Evangelical Repentance and Reformation Guest: Travis Allen
27: God’s Call for Men Guest: Travis Allen
20: What Really Happens When You’re Born Again? Guest: Steven Lawson
13: Why Is Inflation So High? Hint: It’s a Worldview Issue Guest: Cal Beisner
06: Why Are Gas Prices So High? Hint: It’s a Worldview Issue Guest: Cal Beisner
30: What is the Christian’s Duty to God vs. Government? – Part 1 Guest: James Coates (rebroadcast of 3/12/22)
23: The Predictable Result of Educating Children Without God Guest: Alex Newman
16: Transhumanism and the Quest to be Like God Guest: Alex Newman
09: Evangelicals and Downgrade Denial Guests: Josh Buice | Colleen Tronson
02: The Overturning of Roe v. Wade and Why Christian Leaders are Silent Guests: Josh Buice | Colleen Tronson
25: Rick Warren and the Undermining of the Faith Guest: Tom Buck
18: Wisdom from the Aged—Annual Interview with David’s Parents Guests: Bruce and Mary Jane Wheaton
11: How America’s New Woke Religion is Not “Good News” – Part 2 Guest: Owen Strachan
04: How America’s New Woke Religion is Not “Good News” – Part 1 Guest: Owen Strachan
28: Biblical Leaders Needed to Reform the Southern Baptist Convention Guest: Tom Ascol
21: Was the 2020 Presidential Election Stolen? Guest: Dinesh D’Souza
14: Survey Says: The Church Better Repent and Revive…and Soon Guest: George Barna
07: 12 Megaclues that Jesus’ Return is Nearer than Ever – Part 2 Guest: Steve Miller
30: 12 Megaclues that Jesus’ Return is Nearer than Ever – Part 1 Guest: Steve Miller
23: How the Age-Old Scheme of Lie, Silence, and Control Dominates Our Age
16: Antidote to Deconstruction—Embracing the Truth of Christ Guest: Ray Comfort
09: Disney Is Grooming Children Guest: Robert Knight
02: Pastor in Ukraine War Zone Gives First-Hand Perspective Guest: Pastor Greg
26: Nation Collapse Warning: Female Supreme Court Nominee Can’t Define “Woman” Guest: Mat Staver
19: What is the Christian’s Duty to God vs. Government? – Part 2 Guest Nathan Busenitz
12: What is the Christian’s Duty to God vs. Government? – Part 1 Guest: James Coates
05: Understanding the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Guest: Soeren Kern
26: Christian Leaders Complicit in Covid Propaganda Machine – Part 2 Guest: Megan Basham
19: Should Christians Support the Trucker Protest in Canada? Guest: Andrew DeBartolo
12: Christian Leaders Complicit in Covid Propaganda Machine – Part 1 Guests: James Macpherson, Megan Basham
05: Enemies Within the Church Part 3: The Theological Ruse Guest: Jon Harris
29: Enemies Within the Church Part 2: The Grand Scheme Guest: Michael O’Fallon
22: Enemies Within: The Church Part 1—The Call to “Mark Them” Guest: Cary Gordon
15: Canada Criminalizes God’s Truth on Sex and Gender Guest: Andrew DeBartolo
08: Read Through the Bible This Year and Properly Interpret It Guest: Paul Twiss
01: Will You and Your Children Stand Firm? Part 2 Guest: Ken Ham – rebroadcast of 05/01/2021
25: An Aged Perspective on the Country and the Church – rebroadcast of 06/19/2021
18: The B-I-B-L-E. Is It Really the Book for Ye and Me? Part 2
11: The B-I-B-L-E. Is It Really the Book for Ye and Me? Part 1 Guests: Jameson Taylor & Rob Chambers
04: How Unbiblical Morality Results in Unbiblical Economics – Part 2 Guest: Cal Beisner
27: Thanksgiving Special: The Pilgrims’ Beliefs and the Founding of America Guest: Dr. Jerry Newcombe
20: What You Need to Know About the Coming Metaverse Guest: Patrick Miller
13: How Unbiblical Morality Results in Unbiblical Economics Guest: Cal Beisner
06: Why the Reformation Must Be Remembered Guest: Mike Gendron
30: How to Write Your COVID Vaccine Exemption Letter (Part 2) Guest: Mat Staver
23: How to Write Your COVID Vaccine Exemption Letter (Part 1)
16: Has the (Intentional) Economic Meltdown Begun? Guest: Dan Celia
09: Undiscerning Things Christians Believe and Repeat Guest: Robert Knight
02: Will You and Your Children Stand Firm? Guest: Ken Ham (rebroadcast of 05/01/2021 program)
25: When Sickness Comes—How to Pray, What to Expect Guest: Costi Hinn
18: Is Evangelicalism Reformable to Biblical Fidelity? Guest: Pastor Don Green
11: The Delusion Deepens over COVID Guest: Dr. Peter McCullough
04: How Understanding God Helps You Understand Our Chaotic World Guest: Dr. Steven Lawson
28: What’s the Biblical Model for Missions and Church Planting? Guests: Stephen Lonetti and Martin Manten
21: How the US Failure in Afghanistan Affects the World Order Guest: Soeren Kern
14: Peace and Discernment in an Age of Delusion Guest: Greg Hauser
07: The Mark of the Vaccine Has Arrived
31: What to Discern from the Church Fracture Where David Platt Pastors, Part 2
24: What to Discern from the Church Fracture Where David Platt Pastors – Part 1
17: How Your Church Can Avoid Mission Drift Guest: Matt Fletcher
10: Pastors and Plagiarism—Sermon Prep or Sermon Theft? Guest: Justin Peters
03: The Psychological Manipulation of Critical Race Theory Guest: Katherine Kersten
26: Confession Without Conviction—Southern Baptist Annual Meeting Recap Guest: Tom Ascol
19: An Aged Perspective on the Country and the Church.
12: The Cause and Effect of Critical Race Theory – Part 2 of 2
05: The Cause and Effect of Critical Race Theory – Part 1 of 2
29: How to Think and Live in an Anti-Truth Culture Guest: Robert Knight
22: Why Do Christian Leaders Compromise? Guest: Travis Allen
15: Why Rick Warren Ordaining Three Female Pastors Assures Evangelicalism’s Doom
08: What If You Refuse the COVID-19 “Vaccine”? Guests: Twila Brase / Mike Gendron
01: Will You and Your Children Stand Firm? Part 2 Guest: Ken Ham
24: Will You and Your Children Stand Firm? – Part 1 Guest: Ken Ham
17: How to Know the Truth when the Truth is Hard to Know?
10: A COVID Treatment to Save Your Life and the Gospel to Save Your Soul Guest: Peter McCullough, MD, MPH
03: Easter Special—Why Is the Resurrection of Christ Unique and Important? Guest: Greg Gilbert
27: Transgenderism: The Need for Grace and Truth – Part 2 Guest: Michael Perkins
20: Transgenderism: The Need for Grace and Truth- Part 1 Guest: Michael Perkins
13: Canadian Pastor Jailed for “Crime” of Holding In-Person Church Guest: Eric Davis
06: How to Overcome Sexual Temptation
27: Ravi Zacharias: The Man Who Answered Life’s Deepest Questions Leaves Us Wondering About the Biggest One – Part 2
20: Ravi Zacharias: The Man Who Answered Life’s Deepest Questions Leaves Us Wondering About the Biggest One – Part 1
13: Christian Nationalism: Examining the Demonization Guest: Gregg Frazer
06: How Loss of Liberties Leads to Rise of Anti-Christ Guest: Twila Brase
30: Overcoming A-B-C-D with R-S-T-U-V
23: Implications of Truth Deniers Taking Power
15: Incitement, Impeachment and the Wickedness of Slander
09: A New Year—Prepare to Stand Firm
02: Who is Bill Gates and Why Does He Want to Vaccinate Every Person in the World? – (rebroadcast of 05/02/2020 program)
26: Christmas Special—How to Not Miss the Reason for the Season – (rebroadcast of 12/22/18 program)
19: How One Story Is Far Bigger Than Three That Dominated 2020
12: Big Tech Internet—The Dystopian “Ministry of Information”. Part 2 of 2
05: Big Tech Internet—The Dystopian “Ministry of Information”
28: Do You Have a Pilgrim’s Mindset?
21: Why Do the Wicked Prosper? Guest: Robert Knight
14: What is the Basis for Unity in the Nation and the Church? Guest: Travis Allen
07: Election Postlude: Transition from Constitutional Republic to Banana Republic?
31: Election Preview: Will It Be Respect God or Reject God?
24: “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden”—Neither Pro-Life Nor Evangelical Guest: Cal Beisner
17: George Soros Part 2: What Drives Soros and the Left?
10: Who Is America’s Top (Human) Destroyer? Hint: George Soros Guest: Frank Wright
03: What’s at Stake with the Supreme Court Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett? Guest: Mat Staver
26: Three Fundamentals Driving the Division
19: What’s the Good in the Midst of the Bad?
12: How Social Justice Is Corrupting the Faith and Moving Christians Left Guest: Ben Hall
05: Understanding What Is Happening in America Guest: Larry Taunton
29: Republican National Convention: The Party Restraining Romans 1 (at least mostly)
22: Democrat National Convention—The Party of Romans 1
15: When to Obey God over Government Guest: Phil Johnson
08: Dennis Prager and Alistair Begg Clarifying the Only Two Religious Options, Part 2 of 2 (rebroadcast of 05/04/2019 program)
01: What’s Behind the Denigration of “Whiteness”? Part 2 of 2 Guest: Katherine Kersten
25: What’s Behind the Denigration of “Whiteness”? Part 1 of 2
17: Is the Blessed Life of the Beatitudes Wh