25 Mar 2023

TOPIC: How God Uses Man’s Schemes to Accomplish His Plans – Part 1

2023-06-24T11:08:16-05:00Mar 25, 2023|Categories: Discernment, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Uncategorized, Worldview|Tags: , , , , |


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GUEST: ALEX NEWMAN, Journalist and CEO, Liberty Sentinel Media

If you sense that a major transformation is taking place in our nation—and around the world—you are correct. The final book of the Bible, Revelation, tells us what the world will be like in the future prior to Christ’s return—a globalized world led […]

18 Mar 2023

TOPIC: How Julie Roys’ Attempted Takedown of John MacArthur is a Battle in a Larger War – Part 2

2023-03-18T23:47:57-05:00Mar 18, 2023|Categories: Discernment, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Uncategorized, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , |


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GUEST: PASTOR TRAVIS ALLEN, Grace Church (Greeley, CO)

  • Pastor, Grace Church, Greeley, CO. GraceGreeley.org
  • Former elder Grace Community Church and managing director Grace to You
  • Served our country in US Navy—Seal teams
  • Married with 5 children
  • His aim is to proclaim Jesus Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so he may […]
11 Mar 2023

TOPIC: How Julie Roys’ Attempted Takedown of John MacArthur is a Battle in a Larger War

2023-03-12T21:24:38-05:00Mar 11, 2023|Categories: Church, Discernment, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , |


TOPIC: How Julie Roys’ Attempted Takedown of John MacArthur is a Battle in a Larger War

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You’re probably heard or read something about the conflict brewing and intensifying over a professing Christian investigative journalist, named Julie Roys of Chicago, accusing pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church in California of protecting male abusers and shaming females in counseling cases that have taken place […]

04 Mar 2023

TOPIC: Revival: Biblically, Historically, and Asbury – Part 2

2023-03-07T18:37:15-06:00Mar 04, 2023|Categories: Church, Featured Resource, Gospel, Jesus Christ, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , |

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GUEST: JEREMY WALKER, pastor and writer/presenter, REVIVAL documentary film

Last week in Part 1 of our interview with Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England and the writer and host of a documentary film titled, REVIVAL: The Work of God, we discussed what revival is and a few examples of when and where it has taken place over […]

25 Feb 2023

TOPIC: Revival: Biblically, Historically, and Asbury – Part 1

2023-03-02T21:47:07-06:00Feb 25, 2023|Categories: Gospel, Student, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Worldview|Tags: , , , , |

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GUEST: JEREMY WALKER, pastor and writer/presenter, Revival documentary film

The term “revival” conveys the idea of “coming back to life” or “increasing in strength or intensity”. The word doesn’t appear in Scripture and yet there were times in the Bible or in history when Christians and churches revived spiritually, characterized by such things as fervent repentance of sin, earnest pleading in prayer, deep commitment […]

18 Feb 2023

TOPIC: How To Be Sure of Eternity in Heaven

2023-02-23T21:56:32-06:00Feb 18, 2023|Categories: Heaven, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , |

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“Hope” in Scripture can be defined as the believer’s assurance that the blessings God promises for the future will occur. It’s joyful expectation of an unrealized future reality. The greatest, most joy-producing promise that God has made is that His Son Jesus Christ is going to return to earth to bring His followers to heaven for eternity.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 says, “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with […]

11 Feb 2023

God’s Call for Men

2023-02-16T21:27:26-06:00Feb 11, 2023|Categories: Christian Living, Marriage and Family, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , |

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This program is a rebroadcast from 08/27/22

GUEST: TRAVIS ALLEN, pastor, Grace Church (Greeley, CO)

As our society rejects God, so it rejects God’s call for what a man is to be. The biblical call for men to be providers for their home, loving leaders of their wives and children, and strong and courageous in word and deed is misrepresented as […]

04 Feb 2023

Topic: What Really Happens When You’re Born Again?

2023-02-07T12:31:42-06:00Feb 04, 2023|Categories: Christian Living, Jesus Christ, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , |

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What Really Happens When You’re Born Again?

This program is a rebroadcast from 08/20/22

GUEST: DR. STEVEN LAWSON, author, New Life in Christ

Confusion characterizes our world. Or maybe delusion is the better word, in that people are deluded by others or just self-deluded.

There are no shortage of “experts”—politicians, scientists, teachers, professors, writers, speakers, journalists, analysts, commentators, […]

28 Jan 2023

Topic: How the Abortion Movement Has Become More Radical Post-Roe v. Wade

2023-02-03T20:10:47-06:00Jan 28, 2023|Categories: Abortion, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , , |

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GUEST: COLLEEN TRONSON, Executive Director, Metro Women’s Center

Americans like to think of our nation and people as “exceptional”, providing an example of goodness, charity, even Christianity, to the rest of the world. There is some truth to this. America has been immeasurably blessed in resources and liberties and has spread innovation and freedom across the world.

But if we are honest, this nation has […]

19 Jan 2023

TOPIC: Is the Covid “Vaccine” Causing Sudden Deaths?

2023-01-26T23:35:39-06:00Jan 19, 2023|Categories: COVID 19, Government, Religious Liberty, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , |

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Related Resources:

We are not currently carrying this book, but it is available here.

McCullough COVID Protocol

Click to expand CCHFreedom Booklet

GUEST: PETER McCULLOUGH, MD MPH, cardiologist and author, The Courage to Face COVID-19
In early 2020, news reports began to emerge of a new virus from China […]

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