Guest:  Iain Murray, author, Evangelical Holiness

Oh give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples.  1 Chronicles 16:8

We at The Christian Worldview wish you and yours a Thanksgiving weekend marked by gratitude to God for His immeasurable blessings of life, family, country, and most of all, His Son.  We are thankful for your encouragement and support of this ministry.

This weekend on The Christian Worldview, 82-year-old Iain Murray, the respected author of more than 25 books and founder of Banner of Truth Publishing, joins us from Scotland to discuss four pressing issues within the church: holiness and spirituality, the attack on the Bible, apostasy, and the benefits and dangers of controversy.

These issues make up four of the five parts of Iain Murray’s latest book, Evangelical Holiness.  Mr. Murray is a keen observer of the leaders and trends that impact the Evangelical church and was the assistant to perhaps the most influential minister in 20th Century England—D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones at Westminster Chapel in London.