And He

A father and mother who are married and raising children—that has been God’s design and intent for the family from the beginning.
But since the 1950s, the American family has become anything but that. Divorce, children outside of wedlock, unmarried cohabitation, same-sex marriage, and blended families have all become commonplace. And family doesn’t necessary mean close relationally or proximally anymore.
So in our culture of family redefinition and breakdown, how can we nurture a close, biblically-structured family? And what should someone do who grew up in a broken family or is involved in one now?
This Mother’s Day Weekend, my parents, Bruce and Mary Jane Wheaton—83 and 81 years old, married for sixty years (and followers of Christ for nearly that long) with four grown children and seven grandchildren—will join us on The Christian Worldview to talk about nurturing a close family in a culture of family breakdown.