09 Apr 2016

Identifying and Overcoming Our Spiritual Blind Spots

2016-10-26T10:14:24-05:00Apr 09, 2016|Categories: Christian Living, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program|Tags: , , , , |

Guest: Tom Pennington, Pastor/Teacher, Countryside Bible Church

All that they [scribes and Pharisees] tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them. —Jesus (Matthew 23:3)

Here’s a riddle: What is something that everyone has that we are able to clearly see in others yet rarely in ourselves?

If you answered “blind spots”, you are correct!  Blind spots for Christians […]

26 Mar 2016

What the Last Words of Christ on the Cross Mean for Us Today

2016-10-26T10:14:24-05:00Mar 26, 2016|Categories: Book Review, Christian Living, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , , |

Guest: Stuart Epperson, Jr., author, Last Words of Jesus

About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” — Jesus (Matthew 27:46)

It was on Friday of Redemption Weekend nearly 2000 years ago that Jesus Christ offered His life on a cross to pay God’s just death penalty for sin that each of […]

21 Mar 2016

TCW Minute: Who is Jesus and What is the Gospel? (March 21-27, 2016)

2017-03-15T11:49:13-05:00Mar 21, 2016|Categories: Book Review, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Minute, Theology|Tags: , , , , |

Who is Jesus and what is the gospel?  This is David Wheaton, host of The Christian Worldview.

Redemption Weekend is this coming weekend.  It was the most important event in the history of the world.  Jesus Christ, having lived a sinless life, offered Himself on the cross as the once-for-all payment for mankind’s sin.  And then He rose from the grave three days later, assuring believers that we serve a living King.

Jesus said that you […]

19 Mar 2016

The Only King To Trust and The Only Kingdom That Lasts Forever

2016-10-26T10:14:24-05:00Mar 19, 2016|Categories: Book Review, Evangelism, Featured Resource, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Scripture, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , |

Guest: Greg Gilbert, author, What is the Gospel? and Who Is Jesus?

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.  Romans 3:23-24

Redemption Weekend—which the world calls Easter—is next weekend (Mar. 25-27) and therefore what more important thing is there to focus on than the only Redeemer of mankind, Jesus Christ, and […]

12 Mar 2016

Who Am I? Why Your Answer to that Question Really Matters

2016-10-26T10:14:26-05:00Mar 12, 2016|Categories: Book Review, Jesus Christ, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , |

GUEST:  Jerry Bridges, author, Who Am I? Identity in Christ

“Such were some of you [i.e. unrepentant sinners]; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:11).

How would […]

27 Feb 2016

Answers to Fundamental Apologetic Questions

2016-10-26T10:14:27-05:00Feb 27, 2016|Categories: Religious Liberty, Spiritual Growth, Student, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , |

Guest: Jason Carlson, President, Christian Ministries International

LIVE Broadcast from the Worldview Apologetics Conference at Lakes Free Church in Lindstrom, MN

We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.  2 Corinthians 5:20

Christians […]

20 Feb 2016

Churched Millennials: Helping The Departed To Return

2016-10-26T10:14:27-05:00Feb 20, 2016|Categories: Book Review, Christian Living, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Marriage and Family, Spiritual Growth, Student, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|Tags: , , , , , , , |

GUEST:  Ken Ham, President, Answers in Genesis

Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear. 1 Peter 3:15

We have heard the the very […]

13 Feb 2016

Gender Identity: America’s Latest Challenge to God’s Authority

2016-10-26T10:14:27-05:00Feb 13, 2016|Categories: Christian Living, Discernment, Homosexuality, Marriage and Family, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Worldview|

Guest: Dr. John Street, professor and chair of the graduate program in biblical counseling, The Master’s College and Seminary

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27

The ink was barely dry on the Supreme […]

06 Feb 2016

Why Jesus Taught in Parables

2016-10-26T10:14:27-05:00Feb 06, 2016|Categories: Book Review, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Theology|Tags: , , , |

Guest: Dr. John MacArthur, pastor and author, Parables: The Mysteries of God’s Kingdom

“Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.” —Jesus (Matthew 13:13)

The dictionary defines a parable as a “simple story used […]

23 Jan 2016

The Biblical Call and Plan for Productivity

2016-10-26T10:14:29-05:00Jan 23, 2016|Categories: Christian Living, Featured Resource, Spiritual Growth, The Christian Worldview Radio Program, Work, Worldview|Tags: , , , , |

Guest: Tim Challies, author, Do More Better

“Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.” —Jesus (Matthew 25:21).

domorebetter 150At first glance, […]

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