Guest: Dr. Henry Morris III, Institute for Creation Research

Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.  And he said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?”  Genesis 3:1-2

Who or what is the basis for truth, for what’s right and what’s wrong, for laws, morality, personal decisions, even the age of earth?  Is it the Word of God or the ideas of man?

The authority of Scripture has been largely discarded in our society, and explains why, for instance, the Minnesota State High School League just ruled that “transgender” students who “self identify” as opposite their biological gender can compete on sports teams opposite their birth gender.  That’s right, students who were born boys but now identify as girls can plan on girls’ teams (and vice versa) … and presumably share lockers rooms and showers as well.

This is yet another example of the rejection of God’s Word, where there is no basis for right and wrong aside from personal opinions, emotional appeals, cries for “equality,” and derision for anyone who dares to say, “Thus saith the Lord…”

Dr. Henry Morris III, CEO of the Institute for Creation Research, has dedicated his life to standing for the authority of Scripture, especially in the context of the history and origins of the earth.  He joins us this weekend on The Christian Worldview to discuss the importance of biblical authority in all matters of life.

NEW:  The Henry Morris Study Bible, which contains over 10,000 study notes and offers a comprehensive analysis of biblical creation and the authority of Scripture.  Dr. John MacArthur calls this Bible, “an invaluable tool for the defense of the Christian faith.”  In King James Version with black genuine leather cover, the Henry Morris Study Bible lists for $94.99, but we are offering it for a donation of $75 or more (includes shipping) to The Christian Worldview.