GUEST: Ray Comfort, film producer, Living Waters
No one wants to be considered a fool; rather, most everyone desires to be esteemed and respected.
But this won’t be the case for those who follow Jesus. The Bible says, “the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing” (1 Corinthians 1:18). In other words, no matter how educated or how winsome or how accomplished a Christian is, the non-believing world will still view the Christian as a fool.
Our guest this weekend on The Christian Worldview, evangelist and apologist Ray Comfort, has experienced this first-hand. In his latest film titled The Fool, Ray shows how his use of a banana analogy to show God’s design led to him becoming a laughingstock to atheists. But it also led to unexpected opportunities for the gospel.
In addition to exhorting Christians to embrace being a “fool for Christ’s sake,” Ray will also answer some current topics regarding social justice, President Trump, and division in America.
Don’t miss hearing from Ray Comfort, one of the best evangelists and apologists of our day.

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