GUEST: Darrell Harrison, featured presenter, The Christian Worldview Speaker Series Event (Sun, Sept. 15)
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8
“It’s my conviction that much of the rhetoric about this latest issue [social justice] poses a more imminent and dangerous threat to the clarity and centrality of the gospel than any other recent controversy evangelicals have engaged in.”
That’s quite a statement from pastor John MacArthur about the hottest topic in the church and mainstream society—social justice.
Sadly, a great division in the Evangelical church has formed over the issue of social justice. One side sees the pursuit of social justice (i.e. working to rectify perceived social inequalities related to ethnicity, gender, privilege, sexuality, economics, and immigration status, to name just a few) as inexorably leading to a neglect of the Great Commission to make disciples first and foremost.
The other side sees social justice as an implication of the gospel (i.e. “Social justice is a gospel issue”). In other words, Christians are to preach the gospel while working for equity in society as well.
So which side is right? The question we need to ask is: What does the Bible say about social justice and what was the example of Jesus and the early church?
For if we can understand what God’s Word says and look to the ministry of Christ as our example, then we can “think biblically and live accordingly” on this issue that has captivated the hearts and minds of this generation.
Joining us this weekend on The Christian Worldview is Darrell Harrison. He is a former Fellow of the Black Theology and Leadership Institute at Princeton Theological Seminary, a U.S. Army veteran, and an expository Bible teacher with a passion for helping Christians understand what they believe and why.
Darrell is also the featured speaker for the next The Christian Speaker Series event on Sunday, Sept. 15, 2019 at 7 PM at Grace Church Eden Prairie (no cost, no registration, also streamed LIVE on our Facebook page).

Short Take #1: What does social justice mean to Christians who advocate for it? Length: 2:30
Short Take #2: How pervasive is the social justice movement in the evangelical church today? Length: 3:15
Short Take #3: Is it biblical justice to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves? Length: 3:30
Short Take #4: Why is abortion rarely mentioned as a social justice issue? Length: 3:29
Short Take #5: What does it mean to “do justice” from Micah 6:8? Length: 2:16
Short Take #6: What is the example of Jesus regarding social justice? Length: 3:54