Jesus declared to Peter: “I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it” (Matthew 16:18).
That’s a guarantee from the Son of God. In fact, the church is the only institution that Christ promises to build. Not nation-states, not political parties, not para-church Christian ministries—just the church.
The word “church” can be defined a few ways:
- The building you drive by down the street where people gather to worship
- The visible body of professing Christians, which contains “wheat and tares” (the professing church, Matthew 13)
- The invisible body of genuine believers from every tribe and nation (the true church)
Aligning ourselves with Christ’s mission to build His church needs to be the believer’s priority. There’s a place for pushing back on the depravity revolution in our culture, working for political change, advocating for justice. But being a sanctified member of a sound local church should be top priority for Christians. That is God’s design and decree.
Paul wrote to Timothy: “I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15).
This weekend on The Christian Worldview, as we prepare to gather for TCW Movie Night on Saturday, Sept. 9 to watch The Essential Church, we’re going to hear from God’s word and some of the great preachers of God’s word as they point us to love and protect “the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth”.

Register for The Essential
Church Movie Night
We are excited to offer a viewing of this compelling 2-hour documentary for our listening audience on Sat. Sept 9 starting at 6:30 PM at Fourth Baptist Church in Plymouth. A live panel discussion will immediately follow the film.
TCW Golf Event Online Auction!
This year we are opening up our golf event auction to our listening audience! Browse the items and get ready to place your bids on Monday, Sept 18!
Auction instructions and more items to be posted this week so stay tuned!